WALTZ ON IN By Sally I. Kennedy

I was praying. Simple conversation with God. And found myself asking Him for something again. I thought, “I am constantly making requests. Wouldn’t you think He would get sick of that? I just waltz in, any time of the day or night I feel like it, and ask Him for something . And just assume He will listen, and do it. ”

Years ago, as a mom of young children, I would try to stop and listen to my kids when they would come to me to ask, or tell, me something. I usually did, but not always. Seemed that more often than not they wanted to talk when I was rushing to get dinner on the table, or bedtime, or another time that was less than convenient.

Our Father God made us for fellowship with Him. And yes, He is thrilled and delighted for us to come to Him, with requests, conversation, thanks, or just come to enjoy His presence. There’s never a time the Lord won’t stop and give us His full attention. In fact, He is just waiting for us to come.

So waltz on in…….


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