GOLF LESSON By Marion Smith
Exodus 4:12 I will help you speak, and I will teach you what to say.
My golf game was in bad shape. No doubt about it, I needed a lesson from a professional, and I needed it pronto! I stood on the range, hitting a few balls to warm up as I waited for the golf pro. I could see him emerge from the pro shop with a smile on his face – ready to take the challenge of helping this sorry excuse of a golfer!
First he told me to address the ball – just stand comfortably however I thought I should. He told me that body position was so important in the game of golf – I would need to line up every shot.
Next he checked my grip, making sure my fingers were in the correct position on the club. Now he was ready to watch me swing and try to hit the ball. He watched and analyzed, watched and gave gentle corrections, watched and gave more instructions. He told me to go practice a lot and play a few rounds. Then I was to come back for another lesson to see if I was applying what I had learned.
I don't like to take lessons or practice, but I did as I had been instructed, because I knew this was a plan which would help me in my golf life.
In life, God is my pro. He meets me with a loving smile as I stand waiting for Him. He will ask me about my spiritual posture as I go to Him in prayer- am I ready to get quiet before Him? To be ready for whatever He has to tell me?To kneel, bow my head or lay prostate before Him? He will teach and guide me through life. He will give me tools to study and people to support me. He will then send me out to
practice and play, reminding me to check back in with Him to see if I was applying what I had learned.
Before I met the golf pro or God, I had to make the choice to do so. Neither my golf game nor my spiritual growth would happen unless I took that first step, and asked for help. I am so thankful I did seek God out, for He taught me the intimacy of prayer with Him, the delight derived as I praise Him, the awesomeness as I worship Him, and the unspeakable joy as I come into His holy presence. This is all available to each of you, too. Just sign up for that first lesson of love…. It is a lesson you will never regret having taken.
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