REBIRTH Author Unknown

"You feel sorrowful now, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice. And no one will take your joy from you." - John 16:22

Fr. Nil Guillamete tells this wonderful story about this beautiful branch that enjoyed life on the tree.

One day a man passed by and admired its beauty. The next day, he cut it down and began its horrific transformation. First, the man stripped the leaves attached to the
branch. This caused slight pains to the branch. Then, he gutted out the core, which really hurt. And while the branch was quivering in pain, the man placed it in a dark dry place.

It stayed there for days, getting more and more despondent. Finally, the man released
it from the dark place and the branch rejoiced. Only to be wounded once more, holes were made which once again caused pain. And then the man took a special cloth and rubbed the branch all over. He rubbed on and on, harder and harder, it felt like its skin was peeling off.

Then he stopped, looked the branch over. The man beamed with pride and brought the branch to his lips. The branch thought he would kiss it but the man did more than
that. He blew on the branch and the branch trembled and music flowed forth from its core.

The man had transformed the branch into a beautiful flute, capable of so much more
than it could, hanging on the tree. Tisha L. Do we allow the Lord to fashion us to be capable of so much more?

Lord, fashion me in a way that you will be glorified.


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