I was watching a commercial for some sort of miracle anti-aging face cream recently. They said it would undo years of sun damage and other skin woes and that researchers rated the ream "best" for results in all categories in a blind test. Hey, wait a minute. Why would I trust a BLIND test of a skin care product? Wouldn't I want all the researchers to actually SEE the results? I mean, if someone is going to promise me that a cream is going to shore up a saggy, sun-damaged face, I want to see the shore, so to speak.
You know, see shore...without the beach. Seeing is believing, right? Then again, sometimes NOT seeing is believing, too. The resurrected Jesus told Thomas that he believed because he could see Jesus with his own eyes. And then he told Thomas--and us, really--that people who have not seen and still believe are blessed. Could we use a blessing today? I'm thinking yes. Believing, trusting, depending on Jesus is so much better than anything we could dream up. And eternally better than a day at the beach.
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