Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

Peering over the edge of the naval pier in Monterey California, I was intrigued with the sights below. The seals were diving into the water from the surrounding rock formations, then back again up upon the rocks they would haul their huge bodies to bask in the sunshine. I would try to follow a particular seal as he dove into the water to see exactly what he did when he left the rock. I am not sure how long they can stay underwater, but I notices some air bubbles surfacing near the spot where my seal had dived. The air bubbles increased in size and before long I saw, not my seal, who had probably swum a great distance away, but a scuba diver surfacing to the top of the water. I was really surprise, because I was sure it had been my seal making those air bubbles.

I have been very wrong about other things, too. Drawing the wrong conclusion from appearances or actions. I have been guilty of looking at one who professes to be a Christian but does not meet all my personal requirement to fit the physical bill. Perhaps I find them inappropriately, dressed, wearing heavy make up, or using their time and material possessions in a way I deemed unchristian- like. God forgive me when I sit on the judgment throne . Whether I draw correct conclusions or wrong ones, it is not a place where I should be. The bible tells us that God sees beyond all those trappings- He sees right to the core of an individual, and knows the intention of their heart. That is what is really important- God’s perspective, not mine.

If you, too, find yourself judging others, just remember, you usually see the wrong in them which is most prevalent in your life. That will give you food for thought! Let’s not jump to any personal conclusions – we should leave the conclusions to God.


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