WHO FEELS THE PAIN? By Sally I. Kennedy
“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18
This week held a big step for two people close to me. My daughter had said, “I don’t know if I can let him go!” And on Tuesday, my 3 yr. old grandson went to school for the first time. It’s hard to say who felt the pain of separation more; my daughter, her first-born, or Grandma.
It was deja vu for me as I was transported back in time. Our oldest child began morning pre-school at the same age. I suspect the parent feels the pain more than the child. The youngster is on to new and exciting adventures, while the parent is left behind in his or her same routine.
Maybe it’s always easier for the one who moves on than the one who is left. My friend Ed, a counselor, says you grieve when you lose a person, place, or thing. It could be just about anything in life, little or big.
I thought about who was it that felt the pain more when we became separated from God back in the Garden of Eden? And who grieved the most? My guess is that it was our father, God. His pain was unbearable enough to immediately set about implementing the plan He'd had since before the foundation of time to bring us back into that close former relationship with him.
It did finally happen. As all things came together, so long ago, Jesus became the bridge between us and our heavenly parent. Happy endings are always good, and there is none better than this one.
That is definitely good news.
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