There are times in our lives when we experience unexpected sadness and loss. For me this was a sudden loss of a job one Friday evening. The owner gave me my final paycheck. A question I struggle with is how much of it should we tell to our friends and family. Allow me to explain.
We had A Bible Study meeting that Sunday night and I suggested to Sylvia, my wife, that I might mention to the group that I was no longer working.
Our group leader opened the evening with any prayer requests but I deliberated, thinking that if I told them my situation, that would put a slant on the whole evening. After the Bible Study, I finally told them: "At a friend's house this morning, I saw a sign on their wall, 'If God closes a door, He will open a window.' I have to use this sign of hope that God will provide for on Friday, I was told that this would be my last day as business was very slow."
As I was finishing my last statement, a new couple (Tim and Deborah) in our group suddenly raised their arms in jubilation and said, "That's our answer! He can take the position at work!"
In amazement I asked them what they were talking about.
They provided the details: A fellow at Tim's work was 'let go' and they were looking for a new employee. I had quite a few of the qualifications for the job plus some extra ones. They were excited and Sylvia and I were incredulous. They wanted my card and they asked me to provide a resume in the morning as I would be granted an interview with the owner.
On Monday morning I fixed up a resume, flew off to Burlington and had a good interview. The owner would call me.on Wednesday.
On the way out of the city of Burlington, I came to a traffic light and sat their perplexed. I heard someone honking at me and there was Deborah beside my van asking how the interview went. I was totalled. Like in a city of that size I would see our friend from last night right beside me giving me the 'thumbs up' sign. Do I dare say God is so good?
On Tuesday evening, Sylvia and I discussed the upcoming phone call for she desired to have an answer while at school. We figured something out. At 8:15 the phone call came: We would like to hire you. Are you able to report to work tomorrow?
I gave them an affirmative answer. Immediately, I phoned the secretary of the school and asked her to give Sylvia a note: I found the music! The concert begins on Thursday, 7:30.
I am thankful for the prayers and concerns of friends and family. The movement in this story of God's faithfulness happens very quickly. Not all stories move that quickly but God does provide answers in His own time. When He closes a door, He will always open a window. "God's timing is perfectly exact and exactly perfect," wrote a friend.
If God closes the door, He will open a window.
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